Street lighting
One of our challenges is to contribute to the development of Romania's local and county infrastructure and for this we can boast more than 10 contracts with Territorial Administrative Units from Giurgiu, Arges and Dolj counties.
Aim, object and performance indicators of the Program
(1) The aim of the Program is to improve the quality of the environment by reducing emissions of greenhouse gases.
greenhouse gas emissions by using lighting fixtures with LED sources that provide high energy efficiency and minimum light pollution.
(2) The object of the Programme is to modernize public lighting systems by replacing luminaires existing lighting fixtures with high electricity consumption with LED lighting,
supplementing the existing street lighting system with LED lighting (in situations where the poles on the section in question are not equipped with luminaires or they are damaged/non-functional), the extension of the existing lighting system, as well as the purchase and installation of remote management systems related to the investment objectives.
(3) The Program performance indicators are:
(a) reduction in annual primary energy consumption in street lighting (kWH/year). This indicator will be declared by the beneficiary in the completion report and in each monitoring report submitted annually; (b) annual decrease of greenhouse gases (tons of CO_2 equivalent). To be calculated as the sum of the amount of greenhouse gases decreased by the implementation of each project. The amount of greenhouse gases mitigated under each project shall be as stated in the project completion report and the annual monitoring.